Wednesday, March 18, 2015

St. Patrick's Day

It isn't about being Irish or getting drunk. No, for the Barfield's, St. Patrick's Day is a day for some of our favorite foods and delicious beer.

Every year that we've been married, I make large portions of both Corned Beed and Cabbage and Cottage Pie (which is Shepherds Pie with ground beef instead of lamb.) Though neither of these foods is traditionally Irish, we don't really care. We have talked about switching to traditional Irish foods instead, but then when would I make these delicious meals that we love? PROBABLY NEVER. And that just can't happen. 

This year I decided to document the process which started at 10a and ended with food on the table around 8p. 

It was a good day and I ate too much. 

Corned beef simmering. 

Soda bread. 

Food prep. 

Cottage pie. 
